Infertility of men and women is a new phenomenon,and it is becoming increasingly necessary to examine it. Infertility of society that is capable of reproduction is in many cases caused genetically, but what is surprising in increasing number of cases it is caused by time and environment in which we live, poor diet and the overall lifestyle of the population suffering from lack of physical activity. Technologies begin to prevail; we carry out our work in sitting positions; the demand for time increases; the percentage of population living under pressure and stress thus also increases. The loss of exercise and sedentary lifestyle leads to obesity and diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, some cancers and cardiovascular disease, spondylous disease, spondylous algic syndromes, functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, under which there is muscle imbalance, spasms, functional articular blockades and overload of postural muscles. These diseases are often related to the problem, which we call functional sterility.